Lauren Richardson


Lauren Richardson

Lecturer, Department of International Relations
B.Arts/MA (Monash), LLM (Keio), PhD (ANU)
The Australian National University
Department of International Relations, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

Lauren Richardson is a Lecturer in the Department of International Relations. From 2018-2020 she was Director of Studies and Lecturer in the Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy at the ANU. Prior to that Dr Richardson taught Northeast Asian Relations at the University of Edinburgh. Her research focuses on the role of non-state actors in shaping diplomatic interactions in Northeast Asia, particularly Japan-Korea relations. Her publications have focused on the South Korean anti-nuclear movement; the redress campaign for North Korean atomic bomb victims waged by activists in Japan; the role of Buddhists in Sino-Japanese rapprochement (with G A. Scott); Japan’s evolving defence posture; and the ascension of “comfort women” in South Korean memory of Japanese imperialism. She is currently completing a book manuscript provisionally entitled Reshaping Japan-Korea Relations: Transnational Advocacy Networks and the Politics of Redress. She has been a visiting fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs and Keio University, a recipient of the Prime Minister’s Australia-Asia Award (2011), and a participant in the US-Korea NextGen Scholars Program (2015-16) and the German Marshall Fund’s Young Strategist Forum (2019). She is currently a member of the Australian Committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (AUS-CSCAP) and a Board Member of the ANU Korea Institute. For more information see:

Expertise Area(s)

Japan-Korean Peninsula relations

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